Sunrise | Handy-, Internet- und TV-Abos für die Schweiz

Welcome Days 2020

Welcome Days 2020

Sunrise’s got talent

This camp started differently than all the previous ones. We didn’t meet at Zurich main station as usual, but instead had to drive straight to Wetzikon. The only thing we could tell from the camp invitation was the place and time. But we didn’t know whether we’d be staying in Wetzikon or going somewhere else.


We all knew even less of what to expect than we did in the last few camps. That was partly because we couldn’t imagine how we could set up a Covid-compliant camp somewhere. But it quickly became clear to us how the whole thing would work. We were divided into groups and walked to an event hall wearing our masks. First, everyone had to confirm that none of us had visited a high-risk country during the summer holidays. And then our temperatures were checked.


After we had the organizational part behind us, we were finally able to see the actual location. Lo and behold... it was a hotel. We were allowed to quickly carry our luggage upstairs, but then the show had to go on. And we learned our camp’s motto. Sunrise’s got talent! We really started to get down to business after the first training session and a delicious lunch. We all met in our previously selected groups and started practicing our part for the show. We were all fully focused on our groups. After dinner, we were all exhausted – as you’d expect.



After a quick breakfast, we continued where we had left off. We all went back to our groups and continued to practice the part we had rehearsed the day before. The entire event was documented by the film team, resulting in a great documentary of the Welcome Days.

We were all a little nervous because we didn’t know anything about the show, except for the part that we would perform ourselves. When we finally got to see a few of the other groups, it calmed our nerves again quite quickly. We practiced our lyrics, our stunts, the choreographies and planned our makeup. Everyone got a slot to think about costumes and create them. The whole thing was taking shape now and was followed by our second and last evening of the Welcome Days 2020. No nerves in sight, everyone spent the evening together, listening to music, chatting and having a great final evening.


It was D-Day – there was still so much to organize before the parents, colleagues, vocational trainers and employees arrived. We went to hair and makeup – and got made up. We put on our costumes. The entire event loft was decorated with Sunrise branding, and then came the dress rehearsal. Since we only had two days to prepare for the show, the apprentices’ expectations were not very high. But we all quickly realized that this was going to be a really cool show. Each group performed with support from all sides. We gave each other feedback and advice, and so after a quick afternoon snack, we were ready for the big show.


The spectators poured in and took their seats. A lot more people came than expected, and we had a full house. Every last apprentice was a little nervous at this point. The show began and the audience and the apprentices instantly went wild. It was a breathtaking show with everything the heart desired: Singers who gave listeners goosebumps, dancers you couldn’t help but marvel at, musicians who kept you on the edge of your seat, comedic performances that had the audience in laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes, and as a huge finale, a flash mob. The drinks and socializing that followed were rather short, since we were all really exhausted. And so we all went home completely beat, but with an incredible sense of pride.