Sunrise | Handy-, Internet- und TV-Abos für die Schweiz


Ours to take care of

We design our products in a sustainable way, making them part of a circular economy. Our measures to limit our impact on climate change are anchored across the organization.

Our targets


Given the serious impacts of climate change that we are already seeing, it is crucial that Sunrise should follow a clear direction with specific goals and measures. As part of the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), Sunrise is committed to a science-based and gradual reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions. This reduction, based on the SBTi, is in line with the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and emphasises the long-term commitment that Sunrise has made. 

The Sunrise headquarters at Ambassador House are noted for their environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable construction, as demonstrated by the fact that the building has achieved the highest possible LEED Platinum certification level. Sunrise powers its own offices in an energy-efficient way using renewable energy, where possible, for example from community heating, LEDs, sensor-controlled lights, etc. 

To help Sunrise move closer to its emissions-reduction targets, it already uses only 100% renewable electricity and is also committed to ensuring its own fleet of vehicles runs solely on electric power by 2030. Through to 2030, the energy efficiency of data transmission (kWh/TB) in the network will be improved continuously by replacing older components with newer technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) makes better use of existing network capacities. Embracing the innovative PowerStar solution meant that Sunrise is reducing the electricity consumption of its mobile network by around 5.5GWh per year, which equates to the annual consumption of a small Swiss community with around 1,100 households.  


A large proportion of indirect emissions from Sunrise are generated when products are manufactured, transported and used. To avoid any negative impact on the environment and society, Sunrise designs its products and services to be as sustainable as possible.  

We want to send a clear message that sustainability and innovation can — and should — go hand-in-hand. Our set-top box and packaging symbolise a shift towards a more environmentally conscious future, in which every technological advance takes account of its impact on the planet.

Driton Ademi, Senior Product Manager 

What this means in practice is that when it comes to Sunrise devices such as modems and set-top boxes, the focus is on durability, repairability and low power consumption. In addition, the design and packaging are aimed to be as environmentally friendly as possible. One example is the award-winning Sunrise IPTV Box, whose case and remote control are made entirely from recycled plastic. The Sunrise IPTV Box received the «Sustainability Award» from «Digital TV Europe» in 2020.  

Since reusing materials like plastic and metal reduces environmental emissions, Sunrise is embracing efficient resource management through its updated Buyback programme, for example. This is an easy way for Sunrise customers to recycle their used mobile phones, tablets, and smartwatches. 

Existing Sunrise customers can sell their device to Sunrise even if they do not purchase a new one. The returned devices are refurbished and resold. Devices that no longer work are properly recycled. 


Various environmental risks in the supply chain, some of which can be unpredictable, can have an impact on Sunrise business activities. However, proactive supply-chain management that involves the suppliers themselves provides scope to reduce or entirely avoid any negative environmental impact. The Sunrise Code of Conduct for Suppliers not only defines the requirements for compliance with environmental laws and regulations, but also sets out the responsibilities for reducing consumption of resources and environmental emissions. Internally, the Sunrise ESG Supply Chain Policy governs the due-diligence tests that are required. 

The company plans to automate the process of assessing sustainability issues and the review of suppliers further by integrating new, data-driven tools. In addition, it aims to cooperate closely with its suppliers so they can work together to identify improvement measures that will benefit the environment. 

Sustainable Development Goals

With our commitment, we contribute to the following SDGs: