You no longer need a device?

Please select a product category to find out how your device can be returned to us or be disposed of best.

Other questions?

Select the right product category on top. You will find a selection of currently used devices, so you should be able to find your device. Click on your device to find a form to print out the correct return label.

If you want to return multiple devices, please check our list carefully to make sure you know which of your devices should be returned and which ones can be disposed of.

IF you are unsure if your devices should be returned or disposed, please return them all at once in one box.

Only our newest devices have to be returned and we made sure to give you everything you need to identify these devices. However there are many old devices, which we will no longer use and thus can be disposed.

Following list of devices can be disposed:

  • Sunrise WLAN Modem (AVM Fritzbox 7390/7490/7590)

  • Sunrise Internet Box

  • Sunrise Internet Box Fiber

  • Sunrise Internet Box Fiber Zyxel

  • Sunrise Internet Box 5G

  • Connect Box 5G

  • Connect Box 1

  • Connect Box 2

  • Sunrise TV Box

  • UPC TV Box

  • Sunrise TV Box (comfort)

  • Sunrise TV Box mini (start) K410

  • Sunrise TV Box mini (start) K510

  • Sunrise TV Box (Comfort) A515

  • Sunrise TV Box UHD       

If you are sure your device does not match one of our current boxes, you can dispose it at any electronic store in your area.

We value our world and are trying to do our part to reduce waste. Modern devices we will check, repair if necessary and give them to the next customer.