Set up a monthly cost limit

Set up a monthly cost limit. A general cost limit for your mobile subscription or a cost limit for Premium SMS or Sunrise Pay.

General cost limit

In My Sunrise you can set a monthly cost limit for your mobile subscription:


Good to know

  • min. CHF 50.00 max. CHF 1000.00

  • We will inform you via SMS and/or e-mail as soon as you have reached 80% of your limit and when you reach your limit.

  • You decide whether certain additional services should be blocked once your limit is reached.

  • Limits, notifications, and actions can be changed in My Sunrise at any time.


Please note

It is a soft limit. The actual bill amount can be higher than the set limit, depending on the time delay in the billing system (especially with roaming costs and value-added service costs).

Cost limit for Premium SMS (value-added SMS services)

In My Sunrise you can set a monthly cost limit for Premium SMS:


Good to know

  • We send you an SMS regarding your Premium SMS use once you have used 90% of the limit and again once you have reached the limit.

  • You can adjust or remove the cost limit at any time (either permanently or for the current month only). There is no standard limit for value-added services.

  • Once the cost limit has been reached or exceeded, all value-added services are blocked, and Premium SMS messages can no longer be received. 


Please note

The receipt of Premium SMS messages is blocked as soon as the cost limit has been reached or the charges exceed the cost limit amount.

Cost control for Sunrise Pay (app purchases via mobile phone bill)

In My Sunrise you can set a monthly cost limit for Sunrise Pay:


Good to know

  • You can change this cost limit at any time. The standard limit for Sunrise Pay purchases is CHF 100.00.

  • Once this set limit has been reached, you cannot make any additional purchases via Sunrise Pay. 
