Sunrise mailbox

Your personal voicemail
  • Calls you don't pick up will be forwarded to your mailbox

  • You will receive an SMS informing you when a caller leaves a message

  • You can call your mailbox at any time free of charge from Switzerland



Activate mailbox: *145# call button
Turn off mailbox: #145# call button


  • Maximum number of voicemail messages: 30

  • Maximum length of voicemail messages: 3 minutes

  • Length of time new/saved voicemail messages are saved: 15 days

  • Maximum number of fax messages: 30

  • Maximum number of pages per incoming fax message: 20

Forwarding incoming calls to the mailbox: Three scenarios

  • Your mobile phone is turned off or has no signal.

  • You are on a call and a second call comes in.

  • You refuse to accept a call.

Ring time until forwarding
You decide how much time should pass before calls are forwarded to the Sunrise mailbox.

Key combination: **61*0041860761234567 (your mobile number) *30 (number of seconds) # call button
In this example, your phone number is 0761234567, the code is as follows: **61*0041860761234567*30# call button

Ring time in seconds for the key combination: 5/10/15/20/25/30

Direct forwarding (not available for Sunrise Prepaid)
You can also forward all calls directly to your Sunrise mailbox:

  • Activate: **21* 086 + your mobile number 0761234567 #

  • Deactivate: #21#

Within Switzerland

  • From your mobile phone, call your mailbox at number 076 333 33 33 or 086 plus your mobile number 07x xxx xx xx

  • From another phone, you can reach the mailbox at number 086 plus your mobile number 07x xxx xx xx. To listen to your messages, press the star (*) key and enter your mailbox password, followed by the pound (#) key.

  • To delete a message, press 2 while listening to the message.

While abroad

  • You can call your mailbox at number +4186 plus your mobile number 07x xxx xx xx.

  • Enter your mailbox password followed by the pound key (#) to listen to your messages.

  • If you forget your mailbox password, press the star (*) key. Your mailbox password will immediately be sent to your mobile phone by SMS.

  • To delete a message, press 2 while listening to the message.

Mailbox password

  • You will need your password to listen to your mailbox while abroad or from another phone service.

  • If you forget your password, call your mailbox at 076 333 33 33 from your mobile phone and press button 9 to go to the menu.

  • Now press button 4 to go to "Password".

  • You can set a new password here (button 1) or have the password sent to you by SMS (button 2).

  • The password consists of six randomly selected digits that do not have a recognizable number pattern (e.g. 111111, 123456). In addition, it should not be easy to guess from the knowledge of public information about the owner (e.g. birthday, telephone number).

Mailbox settings
Call your mailbox at 076 333 33 33 from your mobile phone and press button 9 to go to the menu. Here you have the following options:

  • Change greeting (button 1)

  • Mailbox password (button 4)

  • Mailbox language (button 5)

  • Caller information (button 6)

Call your mailbox at 076 333 33 33 from your mobile phone and press button 0 to go to "Help". Now follow the instructions.

Outside Switzerland, call forwarding to the Sunrise mailbox will be billed like a call within Switzerland (Exceptions: We Mobile swiss start, swiss calls, swiss unlimited, swiss neighbors und europe&US). You can avoid these costs by doing the following:

  • Deactivate the Sunrise mailbox before you go abroad with the key combination #145# Call button

  • Block call forwarding to your mailbox, which is subject to a charge, in the Sunrise Cockpit.

You can forward your voice messages and faxes from your mailbox to an e-mail address as audio and PDF files respectively.

To do so, proceed as follows:

Specify the e-mail address you would like messages to be forwarded to
Send an SMS to 935 with the message «MSG2MAIL».

Change the e-mail address retroactively
Send an SMS to 935 with the message «MSG2MAIL».
You can of course also use your e-mail address from another provider.

Deactivate voice message or fax forwarding
Send an SMS to 935 with the message «MSG2MAIL STOP».

The Visual Voicemail service displays your voice messages graphically and stores them on your iPhone.
The messages are then clearly displayed in a list and can be selected and played back individually.

Requirements for using Visual Voicemail

  • An iPhone with the latest operating system.
    Check whether there is a software update available for your iPhone at:
    Settings > General > Software update and install it (if necessary) in order to use the Visual Voicemail service.

  • An active Sunrise mailbox.


  • The Visual Voicemail service uses mobile data to deliver your voice messages and faxes.

  • If mobile data is included in your subscription, then the service is free of charge. Otherwise, you will be charged for the required data volume in accordance with your rate plan.

  • When abroad,  the data volume is billed separately and is therefore not covered by data included as part of your subscription.

Set up Visual Voicemail

  • Your Visual Voicemail service will be activated by default when you connect your iPhone to the Sunrise network for the first time. This process can take several minutes.

  • If the service fails to activate, simply send an SMS to 935 with the message «VVM ON».

  • After activating a new Sunrise subscription, your iPhone will prompt you to set a password for your mailbox and record a voicemail greeting in the calls app under Voicemail.

You can change the greeting later as follows:

  1. Tap on Voicemail, then on Greeting, then on Own.

  2. Tap on Record as soon as you want to start recording your greeting.

  3. Tap on Stop when you have finished your greeting.

  4. Tap on Play back to listen to the greeting.

To use the standard greeting from Sunrise, tap on Voicemail > Greeting > Standard.

Listen to messages

Your new message will be automatically transferred onto the iPhone.

  1. Tap on the message to listen to it.

  2. Use the «Pause» and «Play» buttons to pause and resume playback.

  3. You can move the playback position in the navigation bar to start playing from any point in the message and listen again to important parts (like someone reading out a phone number, for example).

Deactivate Visual Voicemail

Send an SMS to 935 with the message «VVM OFF » (VVM = Visual Voicemail) to unsubscribe from the service.

When abroad, deactivating data roaming will be enough to deactivate the service.
To deactivate data roaming, go to Settings > Mobile network > Mobile rates > Mobile data and turn the Mobile data button off.
You will then be able listen to your mailbox via a voice call. Your usual prices for connecting to Switzerland apply.

Note:When using the Visual Voicemail service, you can no longer receive faxes.
In addition, you can only record one standard greeting.

More information on Visual Voicemail can be found on the Apple info page.

The Visual Voicemail service displays your voice messages graphically and stores them on your mobile.

The messages are then clearly displayed in a list and can be selected and played back individually.


Visual Voicemail (VVM) requirements for Android without app

  • A recent Samsung mobile phone (devices from other manufacturers will follow)

  • Android version 13 or newer

  • Active voice mailbox – Sunrise mailbox


Activate Visual Voicemail

You can activate the Visual Mailbox function in the phone app by going to Mailbox in the settings. If you have previously used Visual Voicemail on an iPhone with the same phone number, you will first need to deactivate the function by sending an SMS reading «VVM OFF» to 935.



1.Select «Settings»

2.Select «Mailbox»

3.Select «Visual Mailbox and Switch»

Listening to voice messages

If you miss a call and the caller leaves a voice message for you, you’ll receive a notification on your mobile with a tape icon. Tapping on it will take you to the Mailbox tab in your phone app. You’ll see a red circle with the number of new messages available for you to listen to. You’ll also receive an SMS informing you that you’ve received a new message and you can listen to it in the usual way.


If you’re not connected to Wi-Fi, the Visual Voicemail service uses mobile data when you receive voice messages. If mobile data is included in your subscription, then the service is free of charge. Otherwise, you will be charged for the required data volume in accordance with your rate plan. When abroad, the data volume is billed separately and is therefore not covered by data that’s included as part of your subscription in Switzerland.

The Sunrise mailbox app displays your voice messages graphically and stores them on your mobile phone. The messages are then clearly displayed in a list and can be selected and played back individually. With the Sunrise mailbox app, voice messages can also be forwarded and shared via e-mail, WhatsApp or other messaging services.


Visual Voicemail (VVM) requirements for Android with the Sunrise mailbox app

  • Android smartphone (Android version 9 or newer)

  • Active voice mailbox – Sunrise mailbox


How to use Visual Voicemail with the Sunrise mailbox app

  • Install the Sunrise mailbox app on your mobile

  • After you first open the Sunrise mailbox app, please enter your mobile number. You will then receive an SMS code for confirmation. In the next step, you can accept the General Terms and Conditions and then use the app.

  • If you miss a call and the caller leaves a voice message for you, you’ll receive a notification from the Sunrise mailbox app on your mobile. Tap on this notification or open the Sunrise mailbox app. In the Sunrise mailbox app, you can listen to, save, forward or delete voice messages. With the app, you can also set up a new personal greeting or a new Sunrise mailbox password (six digits).

If you use Visual Voicemail with the Sunrise mailbox app, you cannot have the Visual Mailbox activated in the app settings on your phone at the same time.



If you’re not connected to Wi-Fi, the Visual Voicemail service uses mobile data when you receive voice messages. Otherwise, you will be charged for the required data volume in accordance with your rate plan. When abroad, the data volume is billed separately and is therefore not covered by data that’s included as part of your subscription in Switzerland.

Find all the information about "Using the landline network" here.