Apple TV

Apple TV and the Sunrise TV app

Sunrise TV app

You can find all the information about the Sunrise TV App here.

Alternative remote control for the Sunrise TV app on Apple TV

Sunrise has developed a simple and efficient remote control that makes it easier to use Apple TV. You can order here your alternative remote control for Apple TV.

Purchase Apple TV 4K at Sunrise


First please check if other devices in your home can access the Internet (for example, is Wi-Fi / WLAN working on your mobile phone?).
If you also have no Internet connection on the other devices either, please go to our Internet Support Section for help.

Apple TV connected with an Ethernet cable

  1. Check the status of your connection in the Apple TV menu under "Settings > Network > Connection > Ethernet": Connected / Not connected

  2. If "Not Connected" is displayed, please test the Internet cable on another device to rule out problems with the cable.

  3. If the Internet connection is working properly with the same cable and a different device, please contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Apple TV connected via Wi-Fi /WLAN

  1. Check the status of your connection in the Apple TV menu under "Settings > Network > Connection > Wi-Fi": Name of the network / Not connected

  2. If "Not connected" is displayed, please select this line and then select the desired network from the network list.

  3. When entering your password, enter upper case and lower case letters correctly (e.g. abCD12eF instead of abcd12ef).

  4. If the problem persists and the Internet connection is working properly over the same Wi-Fi / WLAN network with a different device, please contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Lässt sich Apple TV nicht mehr einschalten oder leuchtet das Lämpchen vorne auf der Box nicht mehr, sollte die Verkabelung überprüft werden:

  1. Prüfen Sie ob das Gerät korrekt an einer Stromquelle angeschlossen ist.

  2. Starten Sie Apple TV neu, indem Sie es für 10 Sekunden vom Strom trennen.

Reagiert Apple TV weiterhin nicht, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Apple Support.

If Apple TV no longer turns on or if the light on the front of the box does not light up, you should check the cabling:

  1. Check whether the device is properly connected to a power outlet.

  2. Restart Apple TV by disconnecting the power for ten seconds.

If Apple TV still doesn't respond, please contact Apple Support.