Sunrise Mobile Network App

Test the network quality and speed at your location

  • Your feedback helps us improve our network even further

  • Sunrise can offer you customized solutions for reception problems

Here is how it works in detail:

This app detects the current status of various quality characteristics used in connection with mobile networks and you receive up-to-date information on Sunrise mobile service provision in Switzerland. To do this, your user input, measurements from the speed and connection tests and system data are collected in anonymized form and sent to the Sunrise measuring systems.

The data and measurements received from the app are collected in a Sunrise database and used to generate anonymous statistics about the quality of the Sunrise mobile phone network. Using this app will help Sunrise develop and improve its mobile network, with a focus on customers.

Together, we are making our network even better!

Download now on Android and iOS

Apple App Store button to download the My Sunrise UPC appGoogle Play Store button to download the My Sunrise UPC app

Download and perform Networktest

As of September 1, 2021, we are obliged under telecommunications law to provide you with a measuring tool designed in accordance with OFCOM specifications. All information can be found at The corresponding measurements will be published for the first time as of January 1, 2022.

More information about the Sunrise network

Network coverage, Network comparison and Sunrise Wi-Fi Calling.

Sunrise network coverage

Your coverage on the Sunrise mobile broadband network.

Network comparison

An outstanding network. Once again.

Wi-Fi Calling

Better indoor coverage at home.

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