Request a report
With F-Secure, we help you see if your data was breached. You will receive a breach report in your email address with the existing breaches and recommended actions to solve them.
How you can deal with data leaks now
Even if your information has been leaked, you can still minimize the impact and prevent online criminals from using your personal information for profit.
Change your Password
In any account that was found in a data breach
Develop Unique Passwords
Use Sunrise Protect Password Manager feature to ensure bulletproof passwords across your accounts
Frequently asked questions
A data breach occurs when a hacker gains access to the database of a service or company which contains users’ private information. This information can range from usernames and passwords to social security numbers, addresses and even payment details. These lists are then usually sold online to criminal groups who seek to use this information for profit.
The most serious consequences to you can be when very sensitive information like usernames, passwords or social security numbers are leaked. Be sure to never use the same password for multiple services — if one service you use is breached, you should consider all the accounts using the same password as compromised.
Identity theft, specifically online identity theft, involves someone posing as you using your private information, usually for profit. Criminals usually obtain this data either by physical theft, accessing public information, or through data breaches.
The best way to protect your identity online is to secure your private information by using strong passwords and being careful what you share across different services.
When passwords are “hacked”, it usually means the service you use the password in becomes the victim of a data breach, leaving your password and possibly other personal information exposed. In many cases, users can go for years before knowing that their password has been made public.
A strong password is a long one because they are more difficult to guess. Having a minimum of 8 characters is a good start, but even more important is to use a unique password for each service. If a service is the victim of a data breach and your password is leaked, the problem becomes much bigger if you use the same email address and password combination to log into multiple services.