Fair Usage Policy

Provisions for proper use of mobile internet


Sunrise offers unlimited 4G, 4G+ and/or 5G high-speed Internet access with most of its mobile subscriptions. Our customers form a community that shares a certain set bandwidth volume on the antenna cells of the Sunrise mobile network.

Even though network performance is constantly improving, there are physical and technical limitations to network capacity, meaning that bottlenecking may occur on individual antenna cells during time periods where there is high traffic.

In the interest of ensuring that all customers get the best possible service, Sunrise therefore asks that customers use mobile Internet in accordance with the applicable provisions and to a reasonable extent.

The following provisions and measures have been established in order to ensure that all users can enjoy the best possible user experience, to guarantee stable network availability, and to make sure that Sunrise can continue offering its unlimited services at low prices.

Improper use

Proper use of the Sunrise mobile subscription includes mobile usage of smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart-watches, and other mobile devices. The hotspot functions (tethering) of mobile devices are intended only for personal mobile connectivity.

Unless otherwise explicitly specified, mobile subscriptions are not intended to completely replace landline Internet. This applies, for example, to stationary use of a SIM card in a router or hotspot device.

Any usage that cannot be considered proper use is misuse. In such cases, Sunrise may discontinue or limit services or take other suitable measures (also see sections 11 and 17 GTC).

Network management in the case of excessive use

Unlimited services generally grant unlimited use, as long as unusual and excessive use is not maintained over a longer period of time. Only data, SMS, and calling applications known today can be made available on an unlimited basis.

Excessive use of mobile network services can cause capacity problems and impair network performance, which has a direct effect on other mobile network customers' user experience. In order to prevent this situation, Sunrise will temporarily deprioritize the 4G, 4G+ and 5G data traffic of customers who reach a certain limit value:

  • First deprioritization: A first deprioritization is carried out for customers whose monthly data usage is higher than 97% of all other customers, based on an average determined on a quarterly basis (status November 2022: approx. 100 GB per month).

  • Second deprioritization: An additional deprioritization is carried out within the same month for customers whose monthly data usage is higher than 99.98% of all other customers, based on an average determined on a quarterly basis (status November 2022: approx. 500 GB per month).

Customers whose data has been deprioritized may notice reduced mobile speed at locations and times of day when the mobile network is overloaded. This generally only becomes noticeable when carrying out more data-intensive activities. On antenna cells that are not overloaded, deprioritization will have no effect on broadband speed.

The first deprioritization will occur as soon as the specified limit value has been reached in a certain month. If the second limit value is reached in the same month, then the second deprioritization will occur.

Sunrise reserves the right to take additional measures in addition to the second deprioritization, such as a throttle data speed in the entire network on a case-by-case basis.

At the beginning of the next month, the customer's use status is reset and deprioritization completely reversed.

Also, Sunrise may undertake other network management measures as well as product, use, or country-specific prioritizations if such prioritizations are necessary in order to maintain stable network availability.

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Fair usage policy (PDF)