Sunrise | Handy-, Internet- und TV-Abos für die Schweiz

Our best mobile subscription for everyone under 30

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Simply click "Combine with smartphone" on the mobile subscription of your choice and choose the right device. With device selection, you can easily determine over what period you want to pay for your phone.

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Call Us: Mon-Fri, 08:00 - 22:00 and Sat, 08:00 - 18:30

Extras for our customers under 30, pupils and students

With Sunrise Fresh, you can expect great extras! All Sunrise Fresh mobile subscriptions for teenagers, pupils, and students automatically include discounts and free extras. Listen to free music with Apple Music, get your new Half-Fare travelcard at half price, and always be on the safe side with Surf Protect and Device Protect.


Frequently asked questions

This largely depends on the age and needs of the pupil. Consider what features the device must have and why. By the way, all Sunrise Up Fresh subscriptions also come with comprehensive device protection. This ensures that the expensive device is also protected against damage caused by carelessness.

The Sunrise Fresh subscriptions are aimed at everyone under 30 and come with exciting additional benefits that remain valid even after the age of 30 if the contract is not terminated. Sunrise Fresh is therefore suitable as a mobile subscription for students, pupils, teenagers, or even children in your own household.

Easily compare prices and features of Sunrise Fresh and Sunrise Up S in the overview above.

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